1867-86 | 1887-1902 | 1903-32 | 1933-1947 | 1948-72 | 1973-2003 | 2004 -

The Sherwood Experience: 
(A Brief History 1887 - 1902)

The School-ground are appropriated by the Government.
Unhappy wanderings: Death and Disaster:

Mr. Elliot was succeeded in 1887 by the Rev. A. Hancock and the latter was in turn succeeded by the Rev. E. Munro in 1893. Alas ! the idyllic bliss that governed the school was not to last forever. Disaster struck in the winter of 1895 and for a long spell ill-luck dogged the school. Firstly, covetous eyes were cast on Sherwood, described as 'that most desirable piece of property'. The school received notice to quit.  'Sherwood' in order that a new Government House might be built. Masters and boys were shunted from pillar to post. As a temporary measure, accommodation was provided at 'Barnsdale' in the vicinity of the present-day Secretariat and temporary it proved to be, for in the early hours of Easter morning in 1896, the boys were rudely awakened and told to evacuate the building which was on fire. Although there was no loss of life thanks largely to Mr. Tom Taylor who supervised the evacuation, the building itself, largely made of wood, was reduced to ashes.

But Fate was not done yet. It was decided to move the school to the 'health resort' (!) of Khurpatal. Here cholera and enteric swept through the school, claiming among their victims the then Principal, the Rev. E. Munro who died of  enteric in Ramsay Hospital. When this happened, it was generally felt that it was time to beat a hasty retreat.

For want of anything more suitable, three houses on Alma hill - 'Tonnochy', 'Snow view' and 'St. Cloud' - served as temporary accommodation. The school now hit an all-time low. From over 100 boys at the beginning of the year, only 35 had survived the ordeal. By 1898 numbers had dwindled to 32.

The School comes Home to Rest:

Eventually some land on a spur of Ayarpatta was acquired in 1897 and the foundation-stone laid by Alfred, Lord Bishop of Lucknow, on 5th June. Hence from that date, June 5th has  always been reckoned as Founder's Day. The school had at last found a permanent foothold.

In 1898, the Rev. R. Biggs, who had filled the void created by Rev. Munro's death, reigned and Mr. R.C. Rosselet was  appointed. He was the 'Principal for a mere three years but under him Sherwood grew and established itself and the ill-luck that dogged the school seemed now a nightmare of the past. It was he who chose the school motto, 'Mereat Quisque Palmam' - 'Let each one merit his prize'.

By the turn of the century, the school was making itself felt in the field of sports. The Colvin Club and the Gymkhana had both been regarded as the best cricket teams until the Sherwood XI revised the order before it went on to beat Aligarh College. Football and hockey were late - starters but it was not long before a fearsome reputation in sports was built up - a reputation zealously maintained to the present day.

1867-86 | 1887-1902 | 1903-32 | 1933-1947 | 1948-72 | 1973-2003 | 2004 -

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