Gunjan Gujral (1976-2001) (Gunjan
Gujral (ISC 1995)passed away on the night of
9th May 2001)
had seen her for the first time in
photographs, this girl called Gunjan Gujral.
"We call her GG for short.." they
said, but I was not listening. In a school
where a senior's word is as good as the
Almighty's, I was nervous about a different
world, making new friends and even the
inconsequential 'channi day'. I thought,
"she's the head girl. I'll be reporting
to her". As I looked at her with
anxiety, she looked back at me with soft
brown eyes and a smiling mouth. I thought to
myself, "She looks kind. I should be
fine". "She's super, one of the
most sweetest people I've ever met" one
told me, attempting to calm my fears.
"Not to worry yaar, she'll take care of
you!" said, the other. True to their
words, Gunjan Gujral was all that they said
she was and so much more to the people who
knew and loved her.
I will not forget my first night on
Sherwood's front quad. I had never seen so
many stars in the sky except in a
Planetarium. I stood and stared at the sky in
awe as the girls gathered at the base of
'Sunny Steps' for the evening's first roll
call. I was missing in action. That was the
first time I was punished and then there were
many more. Punishments during Gunjan's reign
as head-girl came as quickly as the last one
was carried out. But they were fair and well
deserved. The juniors looked up to her and we
grade 11's, impatiently waiting in the wings,
drew examples from her strength of character,
genuine kindness and her ability to strike a
balance between the roles she played as
head-girl and that of a friend to her
Off duty, she was like any one of us,
enjoying her self without inhibitions,
giggling away like a girl with twinkling eyes
and studying diligently. The last time I saw
her was in school, after ISC '95. News about
her came in as does news about OS's around
the world. "Oh! Gunjan's at SRCC",
"Gunjan's hosting a show on radio".
We all knew Gunjan Gujral was going to go
places in life, and she was already on her
way there. The last piece of news came
quickly and painfully. "Did you hear?
Gunjan passed away last night!" Thoughts
raced at break-neck speed in my mind,
"How could this be?..she's so
young..only a year older than I am..what
about her parents?...her sister how could
this happen?"
I took half an hour out of my day to write
this for her and yet I have been unable to
sum up a lot of feelings that I feel, unable
to express what she meant to me and to all
those who knew her. Life is so short, so
unpredictable. This is to one of the most
wonderful human beings I've known. This is a
personal farewell to her.